Category Archives: Dev

Java Texture Packer

A couple of days ago, I need to write a code to pack a bunch of image files into one. And my friend told me this good tutorial to start with.

On that tutorial, the writer doesn’t post any example code, but it seems many have implement the pseudo code posted there. So, I wrote my own code based on that pseudo code.

I wrote the code in Java, and it’s very easy to understand just like the pseudo code.

And here’s the sample image result I’ve from using that code.

Image Packed

All that images file are from Danc’s Site LostGarden.

And here’s the class I’ve wrote:

Setting Up PushButton Engine with Eclipse 3.5 (Galilleo) and AXDT

Since last week, I’m trying to learn ActionScript 3 (AS3) language to create a game.

I use Linux as development platform, and there’s not much IDE available for AS3 for Linux. FlashDevelop for linux is still in the middle of development last time I check. And I don’t want to use Adobe Flash IDE on Linux using wine. There is a FlexBuilder for linux from Adobe site, but that project is still in alpha 4 stage since last year, I’ve tried it but I think I’ll stick with AXDT for now.

After looking in the net for a good editor for AS3, i found OSFlash website. And from reading that site, I found out that there’s a good plugin for Eclipse IDE called ASDT, which only support AS2 development not AS3. Luckily, that project is now evolved into AXDT which give a full support for AS3 development within Eclipse IDE.

So, my next step is finding a good game engine for me to use. After googling for a while, I want to try using PushButton engine. There’s a nice tutorial to set it up using Eclipse and Adobe FlexBuilder though, but that tutorial is for Windows and I’m failed at implementing that tutorial in Linux. Probably I’ve some how made a mistake when following that tutorial. Read the rest of this entry

Belugerin Flash Games Contest 2009

Gak pake basa-basi ah…

Silahkan para flash game developer buat berpartisipasi di kontes itu.

Info lebih lengkap sebaiknya silahkan langsung ke

Kerjaan dan Basa-basi

Pernah gak sih lo ditanya ama seseorang tentang kerjaan lo?

Gw sih pernah, entah berapa kali kejadian.

Kejadian terakhir adalah tadi waktu makan tongseng di tempat langganan, baru beberapa kali sih gw ama temen kantor makan di situ cuma tadi pas dateng gw sempet bengong aja pas yang punya tempat nyebutin menu yang biasa kami pesan :mrgreen:

Dan pas selesai makan, sambil nungguin anak buahnya nuker duit 50rb buat kembalian gw, dia mula nanya-nanya ke kami.

“Kerjanya di mana mas?” Read the rest of this entry

[WIP] Trade Quest

Ini adalah game 3D Cell Shading dari Menara Games yang masih dalam tahap awal pengembangan.